Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Being a kid is so embarrassing.  Like unbearable at times.  This pic was taken in 5th grade.  I love it.  The bad perm, the bad shirt, the fake fence, etc.. 

The question is:

What does this have to say about me now?  Let's just say, I wanted that hair (like the look I have is the look I was going for) and that shirt was my favorite shirt.  I have no doubt that if I took a picture of myself today that were I to view it 15 years from now, I would be horrified by my hair, my outfit, my everything.  I guess what this pic says is that I haven't changed at all.  My taste is far from timeless, yet timely.  Will I always be semi-horrified/ by my past self?


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So, i just got finished tanning.  Promised Misty I would do this, so here I am.  That Misty is something else.  Ok.  Where to start.  Let me see.  Let me delve in to the vaults and come up with something.  OH!  I know!  I'll talk about my day:

I woke up--not dead.

YAY, ME!!!